This is another one..... Where do I begin...... First by saying, God placing certain people in your life for a reason. I love when my bride's and I have a connection of some sort it brings our relationship so much closer. Jennifer is the most deepest, incredible,loving, caring person I've ever met. From the start of our planning process always so friendly and caring and always checked in and thought of me throughout my pregnancy. Not to mention how completely nervous, I was the day before I had my daughter and right before I went to bed I check my facebook and her status said "Thinking and praying for my amazing wedding planner tomorrow on the delivery of her daughter" Small things like this are the tokens of thoughts you take with you forever. We all traveled to Key West where this awesome wedding took place, great family and friends, awesome weather and it was just the perfect weekend... Jennifer and Teddy have been together for 9 years and have the most adorab...